W&H ペーパーフィルター
¥385 税込
なら 手数料無料で 月々¥120から
(English follows...)
【 W&H式ホットコーヒーの淹れ方 】
・ドリッパー:メリタCF-T 1×1
注湯量で換算すると、目安としては①30ml ②120ml ③140ml です。
◯ 一杯分レシピ(180ml)
・ドリッパー:メリタCF-T 1×1
① サーバーに氷140gを入れ、その上にドリッパーとペーパーフィルターをセットする。
② 中挽きの粉20gをペーパーフィルターに入れる。
③ 粉に満遍なくかかるように84℃のお湯を注ぎ入れ(30ml)、30秒蒸らす。
④ 均一の注ぐ量を保ちながら、「の」の字を書くように10秒間(30ml)注湯する。
⑤ 20秒間落ちるのを待つ。
⑥ ④〜⑤を合計で3回繰り返す。
⑦ ドリッパーを取り除き、かき混ぜてよく冷えたら完成。
Paper filters used in W&H cafe.
Due to W&H's unique extraction method, the water level exceeds the dripper slightly when pouring, so a paper filter that is slightly higher than the dripper is used. Please use with Melitta drippers used by W&H.
Manufacturer: Sanyo Sangyo
Product name: Coffee filter NO series for 1-2 people
Model number: NO-101
[How to make W&H-style hot coffee]
◯Recipe for one cup (180ml)
・Amount of beans: 15g
・Grind: Medium grind
・Water temperature: 84℃
・Dripper: Melitta CF-T 1×1
・Paper filter: Sanyo Sangyo NO-101 (※The water level will be slightly higher than the dripper, so a tall paper filter is used.)
①Pour enough water to soak the entire grounds and let it steam for 30 seconds.
② Continue pouring at an even rate so that it takes 45 seconds to reach half (90ml) of the finished amount (180ml).
(It's important to keep pouring at a constant rate, in a "no" pattern, rather than pouring in several portions.)
③ Continue pouring at an even rate so that it takes 30 seconds to reach the remaining half (90ml), and when it reaches 180ml, it's finished.
*At W&H, we brew while watching the finished amount, not the amount of water poured.
In terms of pouring amount, the approximate values are ① 30ml, ② 120ml, and ③ 140ml.
It's important to keep pouring at a constant rate, so please adjust the thickness of the pour to best suit ② and ③ for your drip pot.
¥385 税込